On-Demand Webinar | 12 mins

How To Simplify Microsoft Office 365 Security & Management with Engage

MSPs are faced with two bad choices when managing M365 instances for their customers today. When simple requests like password resets, unblocking or offboarding users arise, which make up about 80% of requests that come through your helpdesk, your options are:

Option 1: Provide full M365 access to L1 technicians who should handle these simple tasks, exposing your customers to the risk of the L1s creating larger issues due to the complex M365 admin backend.

Option 2: Eliminate this risk by only allowing L3 technicians permission, which isn’t the best use of their skillset or time, ultimately, reducing productivity, customer satisfaction, and increasing costs for the MSP.

  • How MSPs are currently managing M365 instances for their customers vs. how they should be
  • Demo the Augmentt Engage platform and functionality:
  • Multi-tenancy
  • Least privileged access
  • Efficient Administration of M365 requests
  • Enable MFA, password reset, block sign-in, sign out of all apps, manage licenses, remove user
  • Future SaaS application expansion for Engage
  • Augment partner benefits

The solution? Augmentt Engage.

In this webinar we’ll cover:

  • Simplified M365 security and risk elimination


Will Bishop,

Director of Customer Success,

Augmentt Technology

Brian Freeh,

Sales Engineer,

Augmentt Technology

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